Saturday, June 14, 2014

Another week over.  Last night was a full moon on Friday the 13th.  Won't happen for another 35 years.  I hope I'm alive to see it!  It's pretty neat.  I feel like there were a few other rare events that happened in my lifetime which not many people will experience

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What a week.  The weather has been so gorgeous all day.  Work is kind of lame, but Mik has been alright.  He goes through these phases of being a total jerk and then he will be really dorky and stupid and funny for about two weeks before he blows his top again.  I can never feel comfortable around him.  He just intimidates me, because he is so mean.
Tonight I made quesadillas!  I tried to recreate this recipe that Marika prepared them about two weeks ago when her sister came to visit from Hungary.  They were so good.  So I took note, and just kind of winged it.  They actually turned out delicious.  I got the tortillas nice and crispy, which was the main thing I was worried about.  Orange peppers are my fav.  I use them in place of red peppers most of the time.
Aight, bed time.
I feel so stupid.  I hate teenagers.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ok, I'm getting somewhere at Bioshock Infinite again, finally.  I really like this game.  It's so creepy and feels so neat to explore, like the first two Bioshocks.  Sooo happy about that.  I did have to do a bit more surgery on my PC, but I finally fixed the spinning down hard drive problem.  I was really surprised that I wasn't about to find any information about this issue I've been having online.  I'm wondering now if I plug my old graphics card back in, will it work?  I don't want to risk anything, and the new card is running really well.  Haven't noticed any dropped frame rates during fight scenes or anything.  I'm really happy with it.  I'll just keep this one going and see what happens.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

New graphics card installed!  It was a pretty messy installation, as I expected.  A few system crashes later, I seem to have it all sorted without any issues.  Updated drivers, and now for the testing phase.  I just played Oblivion for a good, straight 15 minutes without any crashes.  That's not enough to say that I fixed it yet, but I'm going to try out Bioshock Infinite.  I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope it doesn't crash.  If it doesn't, that means two things:
1.  My old card was indeed dying and this new one fixed the problem.
2.  I can finish playing these games!!!

Let's just hope it's all going to work out.

Edit:  IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so relieved.  I just played over an hour of BI straight without any crashes.  I think my frame rate dropped just a tiny bit, but it's still very very smooth.  DDR5 memory has more "bandwidth" than DDR3, I learned, so even if it's 2gb versus 1, the performance isn't as strong as the DDR5.  Oh well.  It didn't matter much, because with my old card, I couldn't play anything either way.  I'm so happy.

I had a really crappy day at work, but I feel a lot better now that I fixed this problem.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

 This is the first day in over a month I'm actually taking a break from work!  I can't believe it.  Here I am, sitting in my living room, eating.  I'm so glad we finally hired somebody competent.  It feels like summer again.  I just have that feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Every season has its own feeling.. its own soul.  I'm so excited to start my class next week.  Hopefully I'm going to learn all the programs necessary to get a job as an accountant somewhere.  As of right now, I don't mind my job, and the pay is pretty good.  I just really want to move onto something else, and have transferable skills.
I hope my graphics card comes today.  I'm doubling my video memory,  but degrading from DDR5 to DDR3, so we will see how it works out.  I really like my current graphics card, and I really wish I could just get it to keep working.  I guess I just couldn't believe it's already 5 years old.  I feel like building my PC was just a year or two ago.  This thing has travelled the world with me though, so I definitely need to give 'er a tuneup every now and then.

Monday, May 26, 2014

I think I'll blog a bit.  Haven't written anything here in years.  It feels a little funny, but I think I started holding in a lot of my thoughts and feelings over the past few months, and I shouldn't get back in that habit.
Summer is finally here again!  I'm really hoping Geri and I can move someplace before winter... I really can't take anymore cold weather.  I'm really looking forward to heat and sweating and feeling the burning sensation of the sun on my skin.  I will NOT complain about heat this summer.
Last night I saw Godzilla with my parents.  It was a reeeally good movie.  So many amazing scenes that got your adrenaline pumping.  I'd definitely go see it again.  It was so nice to do something with my parents, especially that my dad so obviously enjoyed.  I really am starting to appreciate them more and more every day.  I was reading old LJ posts of mine, and almost all of them were chock full of complains about my mom or dad.  It hurt me to read them, not only because I remember feeling the way I did when I wrote them, but also because the things I said were so hateful.  I could never think that same way anymore.  I was playing Sudoku with my mom yesterday... taught her how to play, and it took her a while but she finished it and then we hugged and laughed and it was just really nice.  There were a few times when she would say something, or I would get a rush of that old feeling of revulsion I always had when I was around her, but I just had to take a moment to suppress it, and remind myself that she isn't the same, nor is she in any way going to cause me grief right now.  It's all in the past. I haven't felt that way doing something with her in... I don't think ever.  It was kind of bittersweet.  I wish I could have more memories with her like that.  But then again, it's never too late to start making them, I suppose.  I feel like, now that my parents are grandparents, I don't know how much longer I am going to have them in my life.  They weren't perfect, but they taught me everything I needed to know.  I am a very stable, secure person because of them.
Geri and I are so good together.  I don't feel the need to be all lovey dovey and mushy gushy in love with him, because I'm married to him, but I just feel like he is my other half.  He is such a perfect compliment to the things and abilities I lack, and the best part is that I know I do the same for him.  We really need each other.  I've never had any kind of relationship like this before.  It's so wonderful knowing we can save each other from ourselves over and over.  It builds the strongest respect.  This is what marriage should be.  I'm so glad I found something I could have only imagined was out there.
Anyway, got stuff to do and laundry to put away.