Friday, November 12, 2010

Well, I'm home again.  I've been here a week and it's still hard to let it sink in.  Understatement of the year: I miss Lars.

I've been applying for jobs like crazy and I've had a few people contact me for interviews, so I'm going to try and get something going soon.  Even if they're not proper career types, it will help me save some money for the time being.  I don't know what to do with my degree..  I feel like getting a job or career going with a journalism degree won't happen, but I know I can use the communications aspect for a huge range of things so that's what I'm doing for the time being.
I feel sad but now I have tons of spare time.  I also signed up for a membership at Cardinal Fitness today so I'm definitely going to work out more regularly, and for more intense periods.  At home I can just ride the bike but if I go to a gym I'll be much more motivated and see results sooner.  I can't wait to go back tomorrow.

I'm also excited about getting myself a car.  No more sharing with mom and dad!!  It'll be great.  I just gotta find something I can afford, that has good gas mileage and will be safe.  Also manual transmission.  Dark colored preferably.  But cars are so cheap these days so I think I'll be able to find something good.  We'll see.

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