Saturday, December 25, 2010

Some guy crashed into me, totaled my car that I only bought a month ago.
I hate my job.  My boss is a dirty, old, racist, sexist man who completely misled me into this position.  I don't do any of the things I was told I would be doing (I have even been relocated from a 25 min drive to over an hour away.. one direction.. that's a lot of gas), and I am doing a bunch of things that my boss simply doesn't feel like doing.  He's the CEO so he apparently feels he can degrade and take advantage of his employees on a daily basis.
I don't have a problem with authority.. in fact I prefer working for/with people who have more experience, who I can look up to, so that I can learn from their experience and expertise.. but this guy doesn't even do anything.  He just pays everybody else to do it for him, and then treats them like crap in the process.
I need to get out of this rut..  I'm kind of back to square one, but whatever.. I made some pretty good money in the past month and I'm driving a really nice rental car in the meantime.  They can take as long as they want (it's already been 2 weeks since the crash and they haven't even come up with a number yet) because the insurance company is paying for it.

I really... REALLY... am tired of living in Chicago.

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