Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm working for a guy who takes out his frustration on his employees.  It sucks.  I got yelled at for 20 mins today for something I didn't do wrong.  And when I could finally get a word in to explain what I did and why, he already realized I was right and just laughed it off as if it wasn't a big deal he not only belittled me for his own sense of boss-dom, but he also indirectly threatened to fire me, because he thought I put a few items in the wrong place in the back of the store.  Like, within 5 feet of where he thought they should have gone.  But I was right the first time.  What a freaking dbag.
And then he took another 10 mins explaining to me that he can't communicate with me because I try to "challenge his ways" or something completely retarded, and he only sees things in black and white, and I should too.  Well, I don't.  And I can't just give him yes and no answers, especially when the answer requires an explanation.  Such as "I put those items in that pile because they're NEW, and can't be put on the shelves yet."  That can't be said with a yes or a no, if he's just ranting at me me "You didn't listen to where I said to put things".  I feel seriously pissed off at him right now.  He comes to work all pissed off and stressed out, and so he picks on one little thing I did "wrong" (which I didn't really, he was just confused).  I've never had to work with somebody with such a crooked stick up their ass before.

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