Thursday, June 12, 2014

What a week.  The weather has been so gorgeous all day.  Work is kind of lame, but Mik has been alright.  He goes through these phases of being a total jerk and then he will be really dorky and stupid and funny for about two weeks before he blows his top again.  I can never feel comfortable around him.  He just intimidates me, because he is so mean.
Tonight I made quesadillas!  I tried to recreate this recipe that Marika prepared them about two weeks ago when her sister came to visit from Hungary.  They were so good.  So I took note, and just kind of winged it.  They actually turned out delicious.  I got the tortillas nice and crispy, which was the main thing I was worried about.  Orange peppers are my fav.  I use them in place of red peppers most of the time.
Aight, bed time.

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