Friday, September 26, 2008

I would really like to take a shower right now but it's broken. I feel disgusting because I haven't showered since Wednesday. Oh well, I guess this gives me an opportunity to stop caring about being shiny and clean like society demands. Harhar.
Actually I think I'm just going to end up washing my hair in the sink, and possibly just pouring water over myself in the bathtub because I can't stand being dirty.

I am so excited about BoA expanding to the US. I know she's going to get a lot of criticism from ignorant people making fun of her and calling her Chinese and stuff (She's actually Korean), but I will remain her fan no matter what! She has broken down so many barriers in the entertainment industry in Asia... she was the first Korean singer to make it big in Japan (they usually hate Koreans)... and since then she's always remained one of the top ten biggest entertainers since. She's so talented and.. agh, I just can't wait for everyone else to see how amazing this girl is. She will make you a fan for life.. she never stops working hard or being classy and beautiful. She's a great role model.

We've been watching Battlestar Galactica since we ran out of episodes of American Dad and Family Guy to rewatch. BSG is really cool.. I wasn't sure about it from the first two episodes but it's getting to be pretty amazing. It plays on all your emotions.. it makes you so angry, and it even makes you confused at your own feelings, because of all the moral stuff going on. There are people who are obviously good or bad, but sometimes you end up hating the good guys and loving the bad guys.. it's just really awesome.
I can't wait to see the third season of Heroes. I just hope it doesn't suck as bad as the second season.. but I don't think it will because (from what I heard) the writer strike is over.

My carpal tunnel syndrome has been bothering me lately... probably because the weather is getting cold. I need to stop typing now, my hands are getting painfully stiff.

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