Friday, January 22, 2010


Haven't blogged in a while. My life has been so crazy the past few weeks. Good and bad. Mostly good. I finished my one week photography course. Still dunno what grade I got but I feel I worked for an A, so we'll see how that goes. Couldn't hurt my GPA!
Got my rook piercing, which is amazingly hot. I'm so glad I finally just decided to get it. I put it off for way too long. It itches like hell though, which is awful because I don't want to touch it and spread germs around. Ah well, I got through it with my bellybutton so this should be ok.
I have total renewed motivation to work out, so I feel really energetic lately and overall more focused and alert. I love working out so much, I always hate knowing that I should be doing it more often than I do, so it's good stuff.
So excited for the new SNSD song coming out, called Oh! I freaking love them so much. They have so many haters but every famous person does, so meh. Love them anyway ^^
I'm gonna try and enjoy the rest of my 3 days before my final semester of college everrrrrrrrrrrrr. Can't believe it. I love Roosevelt so much. This school has shown me what learning and opening your world is all about. ISU taught me a lot and there were some classes that I took that were just so fascinating and totally fed my interest in geography and what goes on around the world, but I was just so miserable there. It makes me sad because I could have succeeded if things outside of school were different, but I just needed to get my head on straight. And being in the city is nice.
Time to start my day!

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