Sunday, January 31, 2010

Love my rook. It's healing wonderfully.

I absolutely must keep reminding myself on a daily basis to just take it easy, nice and slow, not to worry about the future. I am so stressed out about this final semester of mine. As soon as I start imagining the work I'll have to do for my classes, I start to panic and feel like I need to get it all done right now before it's all late.

I should talk to a counselor about this problem. I just need to tough it out, relax and take things as they come. I can't possibly screw up unless I really just don't come to class and don't do anything. My professors are so great and have constructed the semesters so practically that I really shouldn't feel stressed out at all. We see everything coming and will have plenty of time to think things out. I guess I'm just inexperienced when it comes to doing a lot of work outside the classroom, which is what a lot of my work is going to involve. It's going to feel SO good to graduate >>

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