Saturday, February 13, 2010

I want my ISIS poster.

I bought a PS2 and am waiting for it to be delivered. I also bought 5 games for it that are supposed to be great. Well actually I already played one of them and another is a sequel to a game that I absolutely love so I'm sure it will be fun. I can't wait to play Xenosaga.. the storyline sounds so amazing and it's really open-ended or something so I really just can't wait to play it.
Games on my wishlist:
the .Hack series

I guess that's about it for now actually. I've got a LOT of gaming to do in the meantime. Unfortunately the system won't be shipped till.. oh, Monday? LAME. I haven't been able to play games in so long because my computer doesn't run any new ones, and I played all the ones I already have so much and for so long I basically have them memorized word for word, scene for scene. So this will be a good change. Also it will take up a lot of spare time I'm plagued with.

I'm still sick but it's less crappy. I still feel really weak and drained. I have no idea what kind of sickness this is either. Usually I'm just bursting with energy but it's almost impossible to even stand for more than a few minutes without feeling light-headed and like I'm going to faint. It's really really lamesauce.

Well I'm going to go read some crap.. I probably had some homework. Meh.

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