Thursday, October 29, 2009

Only one day until Halloween!
I think I'm going to take the easy way out and just be Zoey.. couldn't possibly get an easier costume than hers because she pretty much wears what I wear every day lol. I just need to buy a red track jacket from somewhere.
Maybe I'll dream up a more fantastic idea, but otherwise, I'm just gonna stick to that.
I wanted to be Little Sister from Bioshock but there's no way I can find her dress anywhere on time.
Let's see how it goes tomorrow.
Nighty night!

Man.. the weekend could not have come sooner.
I had all of the horrible flu symptoms yesterday, and this morning.. even now, but they're slowly subsiding. I gotta hand it to my immune system.. I thought this was going to get worse over the next few days but I'm handling it really well. My fever went down 2 degrees and I don't have a migraine constantly like I did yesterday, but my stomach is bothering me and I cough pretty easily.
But yeah, go immune system! You can do it ><
Ok so here's finally some pictures from my New Orleans trip. I had such a great time with my family, even though they drove me crazy at some points. Either way, it was wonderful to see my cousin get married, after the past two years that have been a total nightmare.
I'm going to go take a nap and see if I can get any more healing in before I work on homework.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Soooo much homework. I don't know how I'm going to survive this semester. By the grace of a higher power, and lots and lots of naps. And absolutely no time with other people because they will distract me.
300 level classes are really just so much more than I thought. I work my butt off for an A and end up with a C+. But then I'm accused of plagiarizing because my writing is "almost too well done"? My professors are confusing me and making me feel like a criminal and a liar. It's hard enough getting all of this work done, and then they go and say things like that to me.
Whatever.. just let me get a C in everything and I'll move onto next semester.. my LAST semester. And then I'll be free for the most part.
I can't relate to most of my friends anymore either. They don't understand the work load I have to do every day, and they mostly just want to talk about their social lives or boys they have crushes on or something. I just don't care about any of that. All I want to do is get this work over and done with. We can be friends afterwards.. but for now, all I have to look forward to is this semester ending and Lars coming to visit over Thanksgiving break.
Ok back to work. =(

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Soooooooooo good to be home.. but I have a ton of work to do.
Ug. Must sleep!
In my own warm, quiet, firm bed <3

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can't believe I'm off to LOUISIANA! I've always wanted to go there.. so much history and spookiness. What an awesome time of the year to go, too.
My stomach is in knots because I'm so scared of flying, but I'm also so incredibly excited. Also I'm so happy for my cousin. It's so sad my grandpa couldn't be there for this but he is in all of our hearts, and it's so special for our family to be together.

No time to waste, more packingggggggg!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So excited.. I got all my assignments in and accounted for (well except my 2 stories that are due Thursday, which at this point I couldn't care less about), and I found a gorgeous dress to wear for Sara's wedding. Also the most perfect pair of shoes that were only $9 on clearance. It's scary how perfect they are for this dress.. I seriously got lucky.
I'm so terrified of flying but I really hope to be able to overcome this fear soon.
At least until I'm safely in Europe, living with Lars and not needing to fly back and forth every summer and spring break.
He will be here in exactly one month... I CAN'T WAIT =D

I'll take pictures of my beautiful outfit tomorrow.
Nighty night!
I had a productive day yesterday.
Didn't sleep much.
Watched old gore flick with Sarah.
NEED to find dress for cousin's wedding today.
Will go to Plato's with Dazzle around 4:30.. actually probably more around 5 because she's always late lol.
Alright, off to the train.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Almost done with my sociology essay!! I finally stopped panicking and actually took a look at the rubric, and what I had to do was MUCH less intense than I believed to begin with. This essay was not supposed to be an evaluation of the entire book we read, but more of a reflection of society's inequalities, and a small section dedicated to the flaws of the book. Which is still going to be a pain, but I'm very relieved there's so much less to do than I thought. Whew!!!
Back to workkkkk, then working outttttt, then more essayyyyyyy, then late-night walk, then sleepinggggggggggggg.

I wish we didn't need to sleep so much. It's such a waste of time..

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Last night was SO much fun. Milwaukee is a great city. So we went and saw Sarah's pictures in Ms. Nico's photo exhibit. Both parties did their jobs exceedingly well.. Sarah is so amazingly beautiful, and her ability to be so pure and open in her pictures took my breath away. And of course Nico's talents to take such gorgeous shots and make Sarah (and the other girls included in the photoshoot) feel comfortable really shows what a rare gift she has for photography. This wasn't just high-school Photo class garbage. We also got some of the most delicious Indian food we've ever had. It's without question my favorite ethnic cuisine. So many herbs and spices, all just as though they were made to simmer together in those big pots for hours and hours, in a big orgy of delicious flavors! How about that for some imagery? So this morning I had to go over to Sonny Acres and take a bunch of pictures. Luckily there were a lot more people there milling around with their kids and friends to liven things up. Beautiful, sunny day with blue skies. So now I have to do my slideshow and narration of the place. I'm really hoping it turns out alright, considering that I'm absolutely crunched for time and all the editing involved is so meticulous. Back to work!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Going to Milwaukee with Sarah today!!! It's gonna be an adventure and a big deal for her..
Will post more later when I get home.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ok so now begins my weekend from hell. So much reading and essays and projects and traveling.. I am praying I get everything done so that by next Wednesday I can just chill and take this huge burden off of my shoulders.
Every time I get done with a busy few days, I'm so relieved to have it behind me. Also, when I look at the calendar and see the days flying by, I'm so excited because there's only about a month and a week left until Lars comes.

I met a Swedish girl in my sociology class!!! She was really friendly and happy that I knew about Sweden (and that I knew more about it than it was not Switzerland =P) and how I have been there so much etc. I hope to become friends with her.. so exciting!

Ok, back to reading my INCREDIBLY boring and inaccurate book about how the government hates minorities and all white women are rich and protected while all the black and minority women suffer because white people exploit them to their own benefit. SO exaggerated and biased in every way I can possibly think of..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So grateful..
I got an A- on my first recording project. My professor wrote on my evaluation sheet "You had the best audio in the class". Wow.. usually professor's don't say stuff like that, so I was of course very embarrassed but so proud of myself too. I've always felt like I had a strong ability to edit things because I'm critical of details and stuff. I can make stuff look awesome in Photoshop and other programs. But I've never even worked on a Mac before so that made me feel much better. ALSO he gave us an extra weekend to work on our midterm projects (which were due today and I haven't nearly finished yet) so I'm super thankful of that. The only class I'm really worrying about thus far is my Reporting class. It's more like a job with how meticulous my professor grades and judges everything. And we have a story due every week, which is extremely difficult for me considering I don't often have the time slot open to go around visiting places and interviewing people. Not to mention all the reading I have to do for my other classes.
But oh well, I just need to keep working hard. Hope my midterm for Law and Ethics turned out alright too.
More homework to do now!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The air smells SO good in the fall. I love this time of year. Although it got cold really quickly one day and hasn't gone above 60 degrees since, but wearing coats is cozy, so it's all good.
I'm gonna take my winter coat back out of hiding though.
Time for some homework..

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This semester is creeping up on me. I think sometimes that I have everything under control, and then I think of all the world I really need to do and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.
Today, I have to edit two articles (well) for my first class at 11, then go to the bookstore and buy a book that I need to read part of to do a group presentation on Monday, plus an essay on the entire book, plus study for a midterm on Tuesday, and then do two other essays for next week. Oh and a big slideshow with narration edits for my Media Skills class by next Wednesday.
I hate feeling like I'm getting behind.. arg. Not that I'm even really behind yet.. it's just so much work to have to schedule.

At least my first class is canceled today. Now I can spend my morning doing hw, yay >>

I'm so glad it's autumn. The atmosphere changes sooo much during this time of the year, I love it. In Ireland the air never smells like this during the fall. The leaves don't change and you just can't feel any difference. I love going for walks when it's like this. Especially when it's windy, although if I'm walking and it's REALLY windy I feel afraid.. but it's not just fear.. it's such exhilaration and something primal inside of me..
Alright.. school work now.