Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Soooo much homework. I don't know how I'm going to survive this semester. By the grace of a higher power, and lots and lots of naps. And absolutely no time with other people because they will distract me.
300 level classes are really just so much more than I thought. I work my butt off for an A and end up with a C+. But then I'm accused of plagiarizing because my writing is "almost too well done"? My professors are confusing me and making me feel like a criminal and a liar. It's hard enough getting all of this work done, and then they go and say things like that to me.
Whatever.. just let me get a C in everything and I'll move onto next semester.. my LAST semester. And then I'll be free for the most part.
I can't relate to most of my friends anymore either. They don't understand the work load I have to do every day, and they mostly just want to talk about their social lives or boys they have crushes on or something. I just don't care about any of that. All I want to do is get this work over and done with. We can be friends afterwards.. but for now, all I have to look forward to is this semester ending and Lars coming to visit over Thanksgiving break.
Ok back to work. =(

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