Monday, May 31, 2010

Man I slept terribly last night.  Too much caffeine and Lars made me sleep on his side of the bed, which was abnormal and made me feel awkward ><
Still, I have lots to do today.

When you fall asleep, you have to forget yourself.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

MASSSSS EFFECTTTT 22222222!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  MUST PLAY ALWAYS

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trying to play Mass Effect 2 and even though I've been playing almost 30 hours, I keep getting more and more and MORE stuff to do.  This game is going to take ages to finish fully!
And why are the husks 10,000x more annoying than in ME?!?!?  Oh ok, go destroy the alien artifact creating husks?  Sure, no problem!  I just have to attempt to punch my way through 50 husks running at me at the same time, and end up getting mauled to death in the process!   Don't even know where this alien artifact is ffs.
I will finish it ><

Friday, May 28, 2010

I feel so amazingly content and happy with my life right now.
There's nothing I'd change right now.  Some things are up in the air, but it's fine.  My life is going somewhere.  I'm so glad for the people who have stayed by my side throughout the years and even the ones who have treated me wrong.. they've taught me a lot of lessons.

I love my life.
More errands to run!  Yesterday was Lars' bday.  It was fun.  Although I made a cake that neither of us felt like eating so it's just sitting in the kitchen.
New 4Minute mini-album out.  Love them.

I need to get a frame for my Rembrandt poster.
Also I need to go to Clery's now.

I can't believe I got semi-groped in Paris.  This grosslooking old guy did one of those 'I'm walking towards you but I don't know which way to go' so we ended up bumping into one another (on purpose most likely) and his hand "accidentally" touched my thigh.. yuck.  He was SO disgusting.  I can't believe men like that think they are entitled to any respect in this world.  There are way more of them out there than I would have believed a few years ago.  I hope this experience doesn't traumatize me or anything.  I don't think it will but I just want to move past it and forget it.  I've definitely heard of it happening a lot in Paris before so even before we left, I was thinking it could happen to me.  Oh well.

Alright, off into the world.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Though I'm very glad to be back in Dublin with Lars, after an amazing week with Michelle, I finally have time to mourn the loss of the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.. ISIS is no more.
It doesn't seem like it could be true.. ISIS splitting is as close to one of my worst nightmares I could imagine, and yet here it is.
It's absolutely surreal how much they've changed my life for the better.  The emotions I've felt, beyond anything I could ever imagine I could have been able to..  the bliss and divinity I've experienced listening to their music.. oh God I feel like I will have a breakdown knowing they won't be making any more music.  No more shows to catch.  It HURTS me physically.
All I can say is that I am so happy to have been able to know about this band, live in the time when they were creating magic and see them in front of me more than once.  I can't really explain how I feel about them.. they're like my other half.

I've got plenty of pictures of my trip to upload, stories to tell and experiences to reflect upon, but for now I just want to close my eyes and look back at the life I've lived for the past 9 years and how much of it exists the way it does, because I've had ISIS.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bestttttt week everrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

So my flight is landing in Shannon, Ireland... and then there will be a 3 hour bus ride to Dublin. Yay >>

I hope it looks like that when I get there. That would make up for it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am praying my flight doesn't get canceled tomorrow.

Oh.. mah.. gah..
These are incredible. I want one ><
Or at least have the tools to make them myself =D I've got enough junk lying around haha.

Alright, off for a game of minigolf with dad! What a beautiful day for it.
I feel.. aching pain.. when I listen to ISIS. I oftentimes think Cult of Luna can compare to them because they are the only other band I've known of who can do such magical things with music.. but then I listen to Threshold of Transformation, and I don't feel worthy to even be hearing such .. there's no word to describe the music ISIS creates. It's not even music.. it's so far beyond it. Maybe I'm just overtired and have been put into a trance after blasting it for an hour in the car, but I think something other-worldly comes over them when they go to play these songs, because I do not feel on any Earthly plane when listening to the best of them. It's so good at some points I don't even want to breathe because it will distract me from taking in all the essence. All of my other senses become obsolete.
Actually I probably shouldn't drive and listen to them so much because I don't feel like I can keep my eyes open.. visions are just another distraction from the divinity.
If I could sacrifice sleep in order to just loop their albums forever, I'd do it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm so tired but I must go see Sarah tonight!
Ah HA!!! I have fixed my blog. No more weird looking things where they shouldn't be.
This will be updated more frequently with my travels and stuff. Now that I'm out of school, I feel like I have so much more time to fill with things I enjoy, and one of those is blogging... which sounds lame, but it's the truth.

Graduation was awesome yesterday. I got teary eyed at some parts. When I saw my sister in the audience with my grandma I just wanted to run out of the line and give her the biggest hug. I've had the most supportive family even though they knew I always struggled with school. I'm glad I made them proud.

I've only got 2 more days at home and then I'm off to Europe and my love. Jeez I'm going to be so busy until I literally get to the airport. I just hope I can fit everything in and still have time to pack and not forget something, which I always seem to do.

Since I have some time, I think I'll start packing now...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ahhhh why is it that after I have an AMAZING time hanging out with people, I have to leave??? I just had the most awesome night hanging out with Sandor and Mike and Dazzle.. I'm going to miss them like crazymad.
Ryan seems to be taking a heavy toll on Dazzle.. she's been sacrificing her schoolwork and even social life because of some issues between them. Blech.. women put up with a lot of BS from guys.
It was just so awesome to see Sandor again. I hope to hang out with him a lot more over the summer, and even just talk to him a lot.
Also I love that I have a hair curler that actually works. Nighty night!! My ass is graduating in the morning =)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

IIIIIIIIIIII'm done with schoooooooooool =)

Bedtime now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm trying to figure out the right way to code my blog. I'm able to change around the text but I still can't move that header or change the background color or anything. It's pretty annoying. I think I might be MISSING codes actually.. hmm.. I'll look into that.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I really think I could potentially (if my professors love me) get 4 A's this semester. Maybe.
I know I have an A in ballet. I can't see any reason why I'd get less than an A in the photo class. I've worked hard and feel I've earned an A in my Monday class, and Madigan has always said he likes how I write.. plus I've turned everything in and gotten A's on the assignments, including the midterm essay.
So we'll see.
Not expecting more than a B in the Broadcasting class and this convergence newsroom class has been a nightmare.. I'll be happy with a C. Blah.

But yeah, I'm feeling good right now. Really really good.

My standards for friends has gone up drastically recently, and I'm feeling like most of the people I know don't make the cut anymore. I feel no remorse in kicking them to the curb.

Ahhhhhh I just want it to be summer! And eat chocolate and get a job and never worry about stuff ever again.

Friday, May 7, 2010

E.via - Shake

That is all.

I'll be dancing if you need me.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My very last week of school EVER is over.
Well there's finals week but that doesn't count. I still have a buttload of work to do tomorrow, but I'll still be done soon yay!
I hope I can find a job in Sweden this winter so I can move there.

I refuse to tolerate peoples' bad attitudes anymore. There are so many people who think it's acceptable to be a total bitch or jerk to people around them.. like, if they're upset, they have to make everyone know it and try to ruin everyone else's moods. What gives them the idea that's going to be tolerated?
Well, it won't be by me. Not that I'm ever confrontational.. I just choose not to have those people around me or think it's alright. I spend 90% of my time thinking of how I can make life more fun and easier for the people around me.. honestly. That's what life should be about. We're all stuck here together so we might as well make each other feel good.

It's going to feel so good to have that 2nd degree. One that actually might get me a job.

I'm really proud of myself.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Good morning world.
It took me until about 2:30 am to fall asleep, and there I was 4 hours later waking up. Sigh.

I've been craving salty food for the past 2 days, so therefore ramen for breakfast.. nom. After I boil the noodles I always dump out about half of the water it cooked in.. that gets rid of some of the oil so I hope it at least isn't as unhealthy that way. Obviously ramen will never be healthy but I can at least get rid of some of the sodium and whatnot.

Boy do I have my work cut out for me today. Projects projects projects.. then I need to get a copy of my transcript from school, apply for this work permit and ballet tonight and blahhh.. I dunno, we'll see what else.
Is this really my last week of college? Of school? Ever? Wow.. weird. Hasn't sunk in yet.

I'm going to need some therapy after this is over. I've become totally insomniatic, if that's even a word. I don't remember what a good night's sleep feels like.
All I know is I've got a scheiss-ton of projects and homework to do still, and there's no time for celebrating yet.

There is a groundhog living in our backyard. He was out there munching on our dandelions.. completely adorable. I am in love. What should I name him? It'll come to me.

3 weeks until I'm back with Lars and then flying around Europe with Michelle. Good times are coming. I'm just praying I'll be able to make my money back on it. Arg..

I think I'm hungry and that's why I can't sleep.

I've found my other long-lost love of reading again as well. Dad got me a whole book of the best HP Lovecraft stories.. I've read the first 3 and they're terrifyingly seductive. What an author.
I hope it lasts me until the plane rides.

I miss my rook.