Monday, May 10, 2010

I really think I could potentially (if my professors love me) get 4 A's this semester. Maybe.
I know I have an A in ballet. I can't see any reason why I'd get less than an A in the photo class. I've worked hard and feel I've earned an A in my Monday class, and Madigan has always said he likes how I write.. plus I've turned everything in and gotten A's on the assignments, including the midterm essay.
So we'll see.
Not expecting more than a B in the Broadcasting class and this convergence newsroom class has been a nightmare.. I'll be happy with a C. Blah.

But yeah, I'm feeling good right now. Really really good.

My standards for friends has gone up drastically recently, and I'm feeling like most of the people I know don't make the cut anymore. I feel no remorse in kicking them to the curb.

Ahhhhhh I just want it to be summer! And eat chocolate and get a job and never worry about stuff ever again.

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