Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I managed to fall asleep pretty easily last night.. not until about 2 am (because my parents were up so late), and then sleep pretty soundly, but then I got woken up at 6.30 to take my dad to a doctor's appointment. I don't know if I should try and get a bit more sleep or not, because if I sleep 3 or 4 more hours I won't be able to sleep again tonight. Regulating a sleep schedule is a LOT of work and exhaustion, but you need to be merciless or you'll never get it. I'm just so tired of sleeping till 11 or noon. I'm not 16 anymore, and I'm going to have a TON of stuff to do in the morning from now on, so I can't be attending class half asleep because I didn't get to bed until 2 am.
Maybe I'll just rest for an hour.

I am so frustrated at myself. I find it so easy to make myself work out almost every day now, and I do it for about 30 mins aerobic, plus I lift weights for some strength training, but I still haven't really curbed my eating habits. I usually don't eat a lot of one thing, but when I think that I want something, I always just go get it. Even if I don't finish it, I still see that it's bad, and it's making it very difficult to actually lose weight. I've toned up a lot but I want to get slimmer. I just need to make myself say no when I think I want something.

Ok back to sleep just for a little bit now.

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