Thursday, January 15, 2009

The sea salt is already helping my ear, thank God. That stuff works miracles.

It is so ridiculously cold outside.. I am thinking about locking myself in my room tonight and not leaving. I just need some warm soup and stuff.
I am feeling very much like not working out today, mostly because the exercise equipment is in the basement, and it's about 50 degrees down there. Maybe I'll just eat a small dinner and then do some crunches. Sighhh...

Lars will be here in mid-Feb, and then I'm going to stay with him over Spring break.. in Amsterdam. Um.. I can't wait? I am more excited to go to Amsterdam than I was to go to Dublin. Amsterdam is such an amazing city, and it's CLEAN. With healthy, beautiful people, and so much history. Ireland is crap compared to it. Thinking of all this traveling is making me realize how bad I miss Sweden. It was just so gorgeous and perfect. I'd give anything to be fluent in Swedish so I could just use my passport visa and stay there for the next 2 years.

Ok, things to do, parents to pick up.

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