Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Suchhhhh a long day. Spent all afternoon downtown, buying books, getting CTA bus pass (my picture turned out good, not like a mugshot for once). I did make a friend tho! Her name is Melissa, and we immediately connected because we both love to talk and get to know people around us and don't feel uncomfortable blabbing out our first thoughts. She was hilarious.. when she got her picture taken in front of me, the lady with the camera was like 'oo you have such a perfect smile!' and she was like 'Pff.. I better have one, I paid enough money for it' HAHAHA. So cute. So anyway we walked down Jackson to State just talking about random things, and it was really really awesome to feel like I already made a friend after being there for only 30 mins. We got each other's numbers, and she said she loves Japanese food (w00t), so hopefully we will be able to get together and hang out.
So yeah, overall it was a good day. Oh and I also got my contacts finally!! It feels so great to not have my glasses sitting on my nose again. And now I can wear my sunglasses <333333>
I'm so freaking thirsty.
Working out without music SUCKS, but I started reading my 5th Anne Rice novel.. the Witching Hour. My sister said it's one of her favorite books ever, and I'm about 105 pages in and it's really good so far.. I can feel it slowly building to some incredible story that will make me never forget it. Before this, I think the Queen of the Damned was my favorite Rice novel. Let's see how this one is. If I ever finish it.. its easily over 1000 pages.. I'll check it later. But anyway, the point is, I really want a Zune mp3 player. They look lovely, and my dad is giving me $40 for the drawing I'm doing for him, so I think I can put $60 on my credit card without it doing too much damage. I like the red color. We'll see though. I'll give my iPod until this weekend to turn up. Otherwise I'm just going to assume I got pickpocketed or I dropped it somewhere in public, in which case I will never see it again. That sucks, but I didn't pay for it anyway.. so I'm not too upset over the loss.
Alright, bed time.

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