Alright.. It's about 8 am and I'm UP! For the day. No napping.
There were these horrible sounds coming from across somewhere around the water outside our apartment.. I thought it was a dying cat.. I know that's a cliche, but I honestly thought it was a dying cat.. and then I opened the window to check if I needed to save an animal, and then I thought it was an old man crying with all of his might. What in the world could have been making such a sound? Lars walked to work and said it was 2 seagulls >> I feel like if seagulls could make such a ruckus I would have known it years ago. Even if it were a sealion, that would have been way more believable.
I kind of want to delete my Facebook account. FB has brought me more grief than anything.. the only thing I want instead of it is a place to post all of my photos. I can't figure out Flickr and I don't think Photobucket can possibly hold that many pictures. Also unfortunately, nobody uses anything besides Facebook so it's kind of pointless to look for a new social networking site.
I want to go shopping today. I want some new shoes, a new purse and maybe perfume. I know, it's all my guilty pleasures.. but I've been using the same old stuff for way too long.. I need an update. I really like this purse from Topshop: I wish I could get just an image to show up but a link will suffice.
Chicken stuffed with wild rice for dinner, can probably finish Mass Effect 2 sometime in the evening, and I think I'm good to go =)
That Danish embassy better write me back really soon about my Swedish visa.. I wrote them 5 business days ago and still, nothing.
Breakfast time!!! <3 Tea